March 05, 2024 |

New Jersey Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection – The Conscience of the Bar


March 5, 2024    
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm

Virtual Zoom Seminar

Speaker: Michael T. McCormick, Esq.
Director & Counsel
NJ Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection

The NJ Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection is often referred to as “The Conscience of the Bar.” For over 53 years New Jersey’s attorneys have supported the Fund and made it possible to restore trust in the legal profession and the administration of justice in our State. What is a compensable claim before the Fund? What is the process of submitting and adjudicating a claim? How can you safeguard clients and yourself in the rare event of attorney theft?

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Union County Bar Association
“Serving the Law and Public Since 1902”

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Union County Courthouse
Rotunda Building
2 Broad Street - First Floor
Elizabeth, NJ 07207
Jeffrey M. Clar
Executive Director
Phone: (908) 354-5984
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